We spend a lot of January cleaning, dejunking, organizing, and trying to fit all my treasures(I have trained Rich to call my stuff treasures instead of junk!) into our home.
February 2008 - Rexburg Temple Dedication

On February 10th the Rexburg Temple was dedicated. Rich, Jake, and I watched it at our Stake Center. It was suppose to take place last week, but was post phoned because of the death of the beloved President Hinckley. It was a great experience and we are blessed to have a temple only 15 minutes away. In December Rich and I have the opprtunity to serve as escorts one day during the open house. It was on the VIP day and some prominate people like Elder Bednar and Pres. Clark were serving as guides. It is a beautiful place to be.

Business was slow in Twin Falls were Andy was working so he decide to move back to the area to live with his mom and got a job working at a farm equipment place, Simmons Equipment, in Mud Lake. Even though we hardly see him, it is good to know he is closer.
He still rides motorcylces, bulls, and snowmachines even after his accident last December. He likes the thrill of living on the edge!
July 2008 - Martin's Cove
Brian came home from

July 2008 - Rob & Christine and Randy & Dixie come to Idaho
Rich's sister's and their husbands come for a visit. We spent one day mover in Jackson Hole and that evening we went to see the Bar J Wranglers. We also spent one night up at that cabin in Island Park. The girls including Rich's mom floated the river while the guys were in the drift boat trying to fish. The next day Rich, his mom, Christine, Rob, and I floated in the drift boat while Rob fished. I was fun and I enjoyed watching Rich in action as he steered the boat round all the rocks.

August 2008 - Weekend with my mom & dad and Bryan & Ali

October 2008 - Jake's Hunting Trip
At the beginning of Spud Break Jake went bow hunting with Rod and Denton Perkins. Jake shot his first deer with a bow. He was probably about 35 yards away. Afterwards he gutted and butched it himself. He is quit the hunter. I never know what he will drag off the desert. I alway say that if I get stranded in the wilderness, I want Jake to be with me because he will make sure we survive and eat well doing it!
October 2008 - Spud Break Trip to St. George
At the end of our Spud Break we took a trip to see Richard's sister and husband, Dixie and Randy Patterson. Sandra came with us and we picked up Larae on the way. It was a great trip and the treated us so well. We went to the Tuacahn outdoor theater and seen "Big River". It was an impressive production. The next day we got up and went to Zion's National Park. Unfortunately it snowed on us the whole time we were in the park. We weren't really prepared for cold weather, so we didn't stay very long. But it is never boring when you are with Randy. While we were there I met Rich's m uncle and aunt, Darrell and Irene Gardner. They spend their winters and St George and summers in Idaho Falls.
November 2008 - Jake is ordaned a Priest
On Nov. 16 Jake was ordaned a Priest. His grandma Gardner came up for the occassion. We are proud of his decision to become a Priest and the good example he is to those around him. Sandra came up afterwards and we had Jake's birthday dinner.